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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blog for Anonymous

Blog for Anonymous

Entries: 41 - 42 of 261


by emgerber on 7/6/2012 at 11:36 AM in A Day In The Life Of ...

Well we are packed and ready to head out to my agility trials today. It has been too hot to practice much this week. I hope I remember what I am supposed to do. I am going to try my best.

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Enough Heat!

by emgerber on 7/5/2012 at 12:05 PM in A Day In The Life Of ...

This heat is crazy. We broken a record here for highest temperature yesterday. Mommy and I are going out early in the morning and late a night to get our walks in. Tomorrow I have 2 agility runs but one good thing is that they are early in the morning before it gets too hot.

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