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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blog for dezmcbeth

Blog for dezmcbeth

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Crothers Says

by dezmcbeth on 10/20/2008 at 12:11 PM in First Post


I'm Crothers, as in "Scatman" but I don't know any jazz. I'm full of life though, maybe because I'm still a baby. Mom says I'm a handsome boy, whatever that means. I'm sable and white, with raccoon eyes and droopy ears and lips. Sis-dog says Mom put mascara on my eyes to give me the black mask, so I'd be ready for Halloween. Personally, I think she's adopted and jealous.

Mom and Dad say I'm gonna eat them out of house and home. I've tried to take up eating the trash so they don't have to spend as much on dog food. But, coffee grounds are gross, and the plastic baggy didn't sit too well. So, I eat all the kibble I can find and visit the cat-box snack bar when they aren't looking. I can't help it, I'm an ado...adolesc... a teenager and I'm growing!

Yeah, I'm big, I'm bad... 80 lbs of slobbery puppy love, baby! Okay, so I'm not quite an ado..adolesc...a teenager, but I'm close! Only 6 and a half months left til my first birthday. I love being bigger than Sis-dog, I can push her around even though she's older (and faster and smarter) than I am. We play together all the time, even though our parents are always in the way in the living room and they take up space on our couch.

I come from a rich heritage of brandy carrying, snow loving dogs who rescue people from avalanches and pull small carts and sleds. I'm not training for the pulling yet, Mom says I'm too young, that my bones aren't done growing yet. But maybe next winter I can play around in a harness! My parents are Swiss, but my dad is part mountain dog. I'm mostly St. Bernard, but just a little bit Bernese Mountain Dog. I think I'll love winter!

Well, thanks for reading about me. If you know any other St. Berners, I'd love to hear about them. My sis-dog says she's going to post on her heritage too, so watch for Panzie's "hi".

Smothers Brothers Crothers Puppy

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