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Designer Dog Blog for Bentley

Blog for Bentley

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Swollen Nose & upper lip

by Bentley on 10/19/2009 at 2:53 AM in Pet Owners - Pet Safety

I was so terrified last night that I almost cried.
Bentley was playing outside the entire day & at around 17:00 when I went to bring him in I got a shock.
Around his nose & upper lip had swelled to about 6 times the normal size. It looked so painful & scary.
& as being a Sunday I didn't know what to do because every vet or clinic was closed
It was so bad that it totally covered his lower mouth. His nose was completely extended forward , far past his lower mouth.
His eyes were closing slowly & then opening again whilst he was standing, he never did that before.
I gave him plenty of water & made a treat soft meaty meal for him as I was afraid his nose would get hurt trying to east his chunks.
I was so terrified I just held him in his blankly & monitored his heart beat.
I quickly googled it & checked that it has happened to dogs before & owners say that it could have possibly been an insect bite or spider bite.
I barley slept, I heard him howling in his room this morning. I fed him & let him out again.
When I left him this morning he seemed to be jumping & back to his adorable active self again.
His eyes were clearing up & the swelling was almost gone. I was so relieved. I didn't want to leave him today but I had to be at work.
I played with him allot this morning & he seemed much more active than last night. It was just such a shock to have seen that, it looked like out of this world.
I am just glad that he is O.K. & I pray that this doesn't happen again

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