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the begining of week two =)

the begining of week two =)

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the begining of week two =)

by slrenkert on 2/12/2009 at 1:52 AM in First Post

Ludo has been home for a week now. I'm so happy to see him as I walk in the door every morning at 6am. He wags his little curled tail and we go out side so he can do his business. I love on him for a bit then gets the kids up for school and he loves them so much!

He is doing pretty good with going out side, but we still have a couple accidents here and there. He thinks my oldest child's room is the perfect place to poop.

Josie our cat has started getting a little closer to him but not close enough for him to see what she is. He is so interested in her and tries to follow her when she runs across the house. hopefully soon she will love him like the rest of us!
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