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Designer Dog Blogs

Raising Chipoos Since 2004

Raising Chipoos Since 2004

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Raising Chipoos Since 2004

by tess90us on 5/10/2008 at 10:38 AM in Designer Dogs

I love raising this Designer Breed. They are so smart & I am working very hard to set a standard for them. I was hoping to look for other breeders with the same interest that would want to help start a Chipoo Breeders Club & Registry as they have for the cockapoos. If you are one of these people please contact me.
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I haven't ever met a chipoo. I wish we were closer so I could come see your puppies they are adorable! My sister breeds Chihuahua's and I breed Schnauzers and I have Dahlia who is a Schnauzer Parson Russell mix. I would really like to set a standard for a new breed also I think Dahlia is the most wonderful dog in the world (I'm sure we all think our own mix is the best) I posted a blog about it. Mostly I joined this Community to have other breeders to talk to and share with. It is so nice not to have to worry about being judged for mixing breeds.
ieshea on 6/23/2008 at 12:39 PM

If you find out how to set the standard for you breed could you let us know, we would like to do the same for ours, they are Great Dane and Weimaraner both parents were purebred and they are gorgeous pups.
Richard and Brenda
richardc on 9/24/2008 at 8:57 AM

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