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Learnig my heritage

Learnig my heritage

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Learnig my heritage

by lucylatte on 5/31/2008 at 12:41 PM in First Post

Well, I was supposed to be all poodle......oh dear. When i heard that I was a POOGLE. A poodle/beagle? mix. Okay,so beagles are cool and one did win Best in Show at Westminster this year. And Snoopy is top dog in my estimation.
Today I meet my parents; well my mother.
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hi lucy latte. i am a poogle too and my name is chica. you are very cute and look alot like me. we should compare notes and see if our personalities are similar. mom/dad think i am very special and i have never really met another poogle. write back if you get this message and hopefully we can chat...
evam on 1/1/2009 at 7:42 PM

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