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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Entries: 679 - 680 of 817

My sweet little girl

by sophiesmom on 5/3/2009 at 10:52 PM in First Post

From the minute I saw her I was in love. Here was this little 2 lb ball of fur, big ole Gremlin ears and I had never seen anything so cute. The minute she was put in my arms she kissed me and wouldn't let me put her down. She went to work with me everyday for the first two weeks so I could work on potty training. She is so funnyShe will be sound asleep beside me and if I move at all she will be awake immediatly to see what I am doing. She refuses to let me get too far away. She got her first "spanking" (that's what we call any discipline. I actually just slapped the floor next to her) and it broke her heart and mine. She watched the cat use the litter box and the next thing I knew, she was laying in the floor eating cat poo. OOOOHHHHH Gross. As soon as I got done cleaning it up and sat down she came up slowly and got on my lap. She tried to kiss me but that didn't happen. She sat and looked at me for a minute as if to say "please don't be mad" and I couldn't resist her. I cuddled her and told her that she couldn't do that anymore and she laid in my lap and went to sleep. I know she's spoiled rotten, but I don't care. Even the vet said she could tell that she was rotten and a big mama's baby. Other than a few little problems, like potty training and temper, she is so perfect. I knew I would love her but this blows me away at just how much she means to me.
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A part of the family

by aaemehan on 5/3/2009 at 9:01 AM in My Life

It's funny how a dog can become a part of a family so easily. After lots of hours of researching different breeds and many days of a mad little boy, we found the dog that we thought would match us as a family perfectly. We drove two hundred miles for our Lady. Today, after having her for three weeks, she has already became a part of the family. She was on the first day that she came home. Let me just say that she is a spoiled little pup and she knows it. She has two little boys that love playing with her and she gets to go on road trips and gets lots of treats. She has matched our family perfectly because she is hyper enough to keep up with the boys, but even being a puppy she can sit with me and my husband for hours watching t.v. I have never had a dog that just loves being loved. She requires nothing special just a pat every now and then to let her know that she is loved. Though she gets into trouble sometimes, she has this way about her that makes your heart melt. I feel she is my third child. And my boys now have a best friend.
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