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Chipoo Breed Information


Recognized By: ACHC , DBR , DDKC , IDCR
AKA: Wapoo, Chi-poo, Chih-poo, Chi poo, Chi-a-poo, Chiapoo, Poochi, Poo-chi, Poochie, Fiesta Poo, Choodle, Chidoodle, Chipoodle
Mispellings: Chepooh, Chipo

Caring for a Chipoo

Feeding: Chipoos should be fed a high quality food. A food for small or toy dogs is recommended for their diet as some Chipoos may have trouble digesting some of the ingredients in other dog foods. Some are picky eaters and it is hard to make them eat but once they get into the routine everything is fine.

Living with a Chipoo

Personality: Chipoos are known for their sweet, fun-loving, friendly, playful personalities. They are very independent and can be almost bossy at times if you let them, believing that they rule the roost. They love to cuddle when they are tired.

Temperament: Chipoos are very sweet, loving, devoted and loyal dogs. Chipoos tend to be suspicious of strangers. Chipoos are very clever and thus tend to be very amusing for their owners to watch.

Family Dog: Chipoos make great family pets as most love attention. They are not recommended for young children because of their small size.

Shedding: Chipoos tend to be extremely light shedders which make them very good dogs for allergy sufferers.

Grooming: Chipoos should be groomed often. They should be brushed or combed a few times a week depending on the length of the coat. A soft bristle brush is recommended or care should be taken if using a metal brush. Chipoos will need to be trimmed every few months depending on the desired coat length. Chipoos should be bathed every 4-8 weeks or when needed. Chipoos should be brushed before and after their baths. Brushing your Chipoo before the bath will remove any loose hair and keep it from becoming matted when it gets wet. Brushing your Chipoo after the bath will remove any remaining hair as it tends to loosen and fall out more after a bath. Using doggie bath wipes every few days to help keep their coat clean can also help.

Training: Chipoos are intelligent dogs which makes them fairly easy to train. They can be stubborn at time but are very eager to please their owner and love praise. With positive reinforcement Chipoos can be a treat to train and will make you a very happy Chipoo owner.

Behavior: Chipoos are wonderful, sweet, well-behaved dogs that are extremely playful. Some may show some possessiveness of their toys toward other dogs. They need to be well socialized at a young age to keep from having behavioral issues when they get older. If not properly socialized they can be snappy with children and other dogs.

Barking: This depends on the dog, but most Chipoos like to bark when they are playing, at people walking by and other dogs while others rarely bark. With proper training, the barking can be minimized.

Weather: Chipoos dislike the cold weather. A sweater or coat is recommended if they will be outside for a long period of time when the temperature is below 50 degrees. Chipoos are definitely an indoor dog.

Exercise: Chipoos love to run and need plenty of exercise. As long as a Chipoo has some room indoors for running and playing they will do fine. Chipoos also love the outdoors and enjoy walks as long as the weather is not too cold.

Physical Ability: Chipoos are very quick for their size.

Living Conditions: Chipoos make great indoor pets. Chipoos are well suited for apartment living as long as they have a little room to play.

Chipoo Appearance

Appearance: The appearance of a Chipoo can vary from a more Chihuahua looking dog to one having more of a Poodle appearance. Chipoos tend to have the longer, wavy or wire, curly coat like Poodles, but the body build, head shape, ears, etc can vary.

Size: The size of a Chipoo depends largely on the size (Toy or Miniature) of the Poodle parent. Chipoos can range in weight from about 3 to 20 pounds and 5 to 15 inches tall.

Companionship: Chipoos make great companion dogs. They are very loyal to their owners and wonderful lap dogs.

Head: The head of the Chipoo is relatively small.

Nose: The nose of the Chipoo is black in color.

Eyes: The eyes of the Chipoo are typically dark brown to black in color.

Ears: The ears of the Chipoo can stand erect or lay flat next to the head. Some Chipoos can have a combination with the base of the ear standing up off the head and the tip folding downward.

Body: Chipoos have a small body with some resembling a Chihuahua's body.

Gait: The Chipoo has fast gait while trotting. At times they can look like they are prancing beside you.

Feet: The feet of a Chipoo are very small.

Tail: The Chipoo usually inherits the Chihuahua tail. Some breeders choose to dock the Chipoo's tail at birth.

Color: Chipoos can come in any color or color combination. The wide range of a Chipoo's color is because of the wide color variation of both the Chihuahuas and the Poodle. Some common colors are Black & Tan, White & Apricot with Black Markings, Tan with White markings. Because of their longer coat the Black & Tan Chipoos sometimes resemble a curly coated Yorkie.
It is common for the Chipoo to have a black overcoat as a puppy and become gray as an adult with a black stripe down middle of the back.

Coat: Chipoos can have smooth, coarse, wiry coat or fluffier, Poodle-like coat or a mixture of the two. Their coat somewhat resembles the 'Terrier' coat. They can have a short or long coat depending on the coat type of the Chihuahua parent. A Chipoo's coat may be wavy or curly like that of a Poodle.

Chipoo Facts

Life Expectancy: The average life expectancy of a Chipoo is 12 to 15 years or longer.

Characteristics: Chipoos are energetic, loving, outgoing dogs. Chipoos love to play, are highly intelligent, easy to train and independent. They love to spend time with their owners, cuddle and sit in your lap. Chipoos tend to have the Chihuahua characteristic where they are dedicated to one owner that they love above all other. Be sure to properly socialize them and don't coddle them as a puppy or they may become over protective and have separation issues.

More Info: For more information and pictures visit:

Chipoo Health

Allergies: Chipoos do not suffer from any known allergies at this time.

Health: Chipoos are susceptible to all of the common health issues of the Chihuahua or Poodle like the tendency to wheeze or snore, corneal dryness, secondary glaucoma, runny eyes, cataracts, gum problems, colds, stress, ear infections and digestive or heart disorders.

Skin Health: Chipoos may suffer from dry skin and be unable to absorb anything through their skin which makes them unable to used flea and tick medications like Frontline.

Eye Health: Chipoos may have the overactive tear glands that are also common in Poodles and may require cleaning around their eyes to remove the dried tears. A small fine tooth comb without any sharp points can be used for this. This routine should be started at a young age and done a few times a week to get the Chipoo used to this routine.
It is not uncommon for Chipoos to have an inverted eyelid which may require surgery to fix but in some cases it repairs itself.

Ear Health: Chipoos typically have good ear health and excellent hearing. They should have their ears cleaned and plucked regularly. They may suffer from "dry ears" which requires medication to be put in the ear every couple of days.

Dental Health: As with all dogs, Chipoos should have their teeth brushed 2-3 times a week. A daily rinse is also available for dogs that may be recommended along with this brushing schedule. Providing your Chipoo with dental chews daily can also help reduce the buildup of tarter.

Litter Size: The average litter size is around 4 to 5 Chipoos.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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