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Breeds Home > Breed List > American Lattle

American Lattle Breed Information

American Lattle

Recognized By: DBR , IDCR

Caring for a American Lattle

Feeding: They require a high quality food in order to perform at top potential and shouldn't be overfed.

Living with a American Lattle

Personality: The trait most loved about the American Lattle is their personality. They are a dog that can win your heart and drive you to the edge at the same time. Given the correct training and attention and the love they so desire can and will lead to a partner who will stand by your side, protect you from danger, help you complete a days work and offer unconditional love and respect.

Family Dog: American Lattle's make wonderful family pets but also are instilled with the desire to work hard and please their family. After a hard day's work, Lattle enjoy the chance to curl up on the foot of the bed and settle in for the night.

Shedding: Lattle's are dogs that shed, though regular brushing acna help minimize the amount of hair they leave behind.

Training: Most Lattles are easily housetrained and do behave when treated as a partner or memeber of the family. Lattle's love to learn and are never to old to learn a new trick.

Barking: The bark of a Lattle often possesses a higher pitch than that of a Labrador but is one that commands attention and will let you know the dog means business. A talkative breed, the Lattle is often vocal and takes to the "speak" command easily.

Exercise: Lattle's require an adequate amount of exercise or work to keep their mind stimulated and their bodies busy. A bored Lattle can be a destructive Lattle, as with the parent breeds.

Living Conditions: The Lattle is not necessarily a breed to be considered for an apartment or city living as they enjoy room to roam and run and do not do well in strictly confined places, although the desire to be part of the family. A Lattle is not a dog to be chained or left outside while it's family is indoors.

American Lattle Appearance

Head: With the square head of a Labrador and the more slender muzzle of the Cattle Dog, Lattle's are attractive dogs.

Eyes: Lattles can inherit eye color from either parent, as it's not unusual for one to be born with brown or blue eyes or one of each color. The eyes are proprotional to the head and should be slightly almond shaped and clear.

Ears: The head and ears of a Lattle should be proportionate to the rest of the body. The ears of a Lattle are set high on the sides of the head, are smaller than that of a Labrador, hang squarley against the head, into a point. When alert, the ears of the Lattle stand slightly higher than the top of the head and look "square" in comparison, similar to an upside down triangle. In a relaxed position, the ears often are held back and are lax.

Body: The American Lattle is also a dog of hardiness. With the body structure that resembles a slender Cattle Dog; they possess the ability to move quickly and with purpose. The Lattle should have a strong back and neck that will allow them to withstand the potential hazards of working livestock along with proportional, hardy legs that allow them to move quickly and purposely, often times close to the ground.

Tail: The tail of a Lattle should be left natural, as they use their tail to stabilize and balance themselves when working livestock, to allow better and more stable mobility. Most Lattle's possess a slender, otter like tail that resembles that of a Labrador. Depending upon the genteics they inherit, some Lattle's have been know to be born with shorter, bobbed tails as in some Cattle Dog's.

Color: Coat color varies drastically from dog to dog. As with most breeds, the pups are born solid and may or may not develope ticking or merle patterns later on as they age. It's quite common for dogs to be mostly a solid color with patches or spots of merled patterns on the body and face area. And it is also quite common for the pups of a litter to each possess their own distinctiveness. Litters often consist of pups with solid coats and pups with merle coats.

Coat: The coat of the American Lattle is one that allows the dog to withstand a range of weather conditions and still remain productive and comfortable. Most Lattle's possess the shorter, more dense coat of the Cattle Dogs, often with a stripe or band of longer, more "Labrador" type fur down the back.

American Lattle Facts

Life Expectancy: Most Lattles can live into their late teens, provided they are properly cared for.

Characteristics: They excel in obedience and agilty and make great farm dogs that possess the loyalty of a Labrador and the willingness and abitity to work livestock that is passed from the Cattle Dog. American Lattle's make good guard dogs and bond strongly with their families. This dog is one of strong loyalty and protectivness and is often hesitant around strangers. As with the parent breeds, they often are more rambunctious and full of energy as young dogs, then will slow down and mellow out as they age.

American Lattle Health

Health: American Lattles are typically healthy, hardy dogs. Being a mix of two breeds means the dog can inherit health problems from either parent. Well bred Lattles should come from parents with a clean bill of health that are unlikely to pass on a genetic condition. It is uncommon but possible for a Lattle to develope eye or hip problems as they age.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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