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Chin-wa Testimonials

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My Chin-Wa

My Chin-wa is the most adorable, friendly,sweet dog you ever want to meet!! He has a wonderful disposition! I have often thought of using him as a therapy dog for nursing homes or kids' hospitals. He loves everybody!!! Kids in particular. We take him with us in our camper camping and he loves it!! I recommend one highly!!!
Posted: 7/2/2010 11:17:45 AM by Anonymous

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Little Baby

My little snowball is half Long hair Chihuhua and half Japanese Chin. He's absolutely precious and adorable. He was all white when I got him at 8 weeks but is now white and red/brown. He is now 8 months weighs 4 1/2lbs and he looks more Japanese chin than he does chihuahua. It is just that he does not have the plummed tail. He is very smart, playful, and alert. He has attachments issues and cannot be left in a room by himself. He whines and barks when he's alone. This is the only bad side to him. My pomeranian just ignores him when he does this (everything about her is perfect).
Posted: 10/11/2009 10:23:07 AM by Anonymous

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Roxie Rocks!

We just got an 8 wk old chin-wa Roxie she is so sweet and small (3 pnds) and very playful the kids love her!! a bit nippy but it does no harm- rolls and does somersaults and twirls!!! can run fast but her back end is having trouble to keep up with her front legs!! ha she is a doll I would definitely recommend a chin-wa
Posted: 6/23/2009 8:11:02 PM by Anonymous

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