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Spanador Testimonials

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Rocko Joined our Family at the end of April, 2011, when he was a little under 4 months old. Over the past month our family has been more active than we have ever been. Rocko is so smart. He learned to sit in a single 5 minute session on his first day with us. He plays relentlessly, sleeps deeply (from 10pm-7am),loves fiercely (especially children) Everywhere we take him, people say,"Oh, his ears are soooo cute!!" And they are. They are soft, fluffy and adorable.Rocko cohabitates with 3 cats who he desperately wants to play with, They just don't want any of it. Rocko loves to: tug, run on the beach, fetch and then bury sticks in the sand, ride in the car, frollick in puddles, and play with and chew on ice cubes. This breed is amazing. Rocko is loyal and smart and sweet and cute and silly and playful. We got more than we ever imagined in a pet.
Posted: 6/7/2011 9:16:32 AM by seattledawn

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I adopted a Spanador...

I adopted a spanador for my fiance right before we got married, mostly because she was the absolute cutest dog in the shelter :) Since then, we've had a slight amount of trouble with chewing (she is only 8 months old now) and hyperactivity. She is quite possibly the most energetic dog I've ever met! She's also one of the most loving dogs I've ever met. We love her to death, despite the toll it's taken on our house. We didn't have any trouble at all with house training. She's a very smart dog, she learned to sit within two days. That's about all I can share with you. I'd recommend a spanador to any family, small kids or big kids, maybe not an older couple. Be ready for a fireball!
Posted: 1/18/2009 3:17:16 PM by JESSICAJOY

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