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Daniffs - A Great Dog

I have talked to several people that were turned of instantly to my dog when they found out she contained mastiff. My Daniff is a Presa Canario/ Great Dane. And i have to say it bothers me when people turn away from her just because of her breeding. The presa canario was bred for fighting  so people instantly assume she is aggressive. people just do not realized the wonderful qualities of the Daniff mix. They are beautiful, intelligent and healthy. Because of my Daniff i took up breeding this specific cross and people turn away  most of the time not by the temperment of my presa canario or my great dane but simply because of what they read about the breed. i own several dogs of several breeds and my Daniff is by far one of the best. She is a brindle and beautiful. She is smart and sweet. loyal and loving. I also have a couple puppies form my mastiff and dane and they are the same way. They are a great family pet. Willing to watch over your children. people judge a breed not from an experience with them but by what they read or are told. And it is a shame. If not properly socialized when you yes they can be protective  with their family and unfriendly towards people they do not know but if tell socialized as a pup you couldnt ask for a better pet. i wouldnt trade my Daniff's for anything and would highly recommend the breed.
Posted: 3/15/2008 12:58:52 PM by Anonymous

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