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Shih-Mo Testimonials

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Our dog, Coda is the result of an Eskie mom and a Sih-Tzu dad. He's more Shih-zu in looks with longer legs and muzzle like mom's. His coat is soft and his personality is totally his own. He leaps lie the Eskie and has that energy, but cuddles like the Shih-Tzu. Everything on the floor is chewable and all balls are to be thrown and played with. This is the best family dog ever. He curls up on the foot of our 7 year olds bed and nothing could hurt her in the night. Same for our family, he is very protective without being aggressive with strangers. Love this little guy.
Posted: 1/22/2010 7:55:42 AM by Anonymous

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I LOVE my Meeko. I saw her little furryness in a store and fell in love with her! She is officially 6 mos old today and she is now a nice watchpuppy and definitely had a "'tude" but she is so sweet! She is the BEST spur of the moment decision I've ever made in my life! I love her!!
Posted: 9/8/2009 9:22:28 AM by Anonymous

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