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English Mastweiler Testimonials
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English Mastweiler
I have a 6 year old English Mastweiler.Honestly he is the love of my life! His friendly disposion, quirky smile, and eager to please natue make him the absolute best companion.
As a puppy he was extremely easy to train. He is the perfect balance of smart enough to learn quickly but not so smart that he manipulates. I wouldn't call him lazy but he does not require a lot if exercise. We joke that he gets exhausted by just paying attention. That being said he is totally down for a three mile walk. This is not a breed I would take for runs and especially not for hikes. He weighs 120 pounds I weigh 125 pounds, so I have to be careful to only get us in situations that he is safe. I could not carry him 10 feet if he was hurt. So avoiding vulerable situations is must. He rarely and I mean rarely barks. He is also not particularly protective. However we have not been in any dicey situations. Something does have to be said for the fact that a 120lb rottie mastiff comes and goes with me. I guess if someone was steaking out a house to rob, the house with the English Mastweiler would be last on the list. Also I do have to say that I had a relationship end badly with someone who I got him with. At our final break up meeting, the ex rang the doorbell. I answered, Baron immediately walked between us and sat on my extremely powerful gesture. Because of this experience I feel the English Mastweiler will protect his family if needed but is able to use their stature to avoid negative situations arising. Lastly my boy is excellent with kids. In fact he thinks he is one of them. Baron is a soccer player, literally batting the ball from paw to paw, and he might just be the best hide and go seek player ever! God I lothang dog! It should be said that Baron is my first dog. I highly recommend the English Mastweiler. Literally the best dog ever.They just have the squishiest faces ever ( we don't have a drooling problem). Posted: 3/30/2011 12:17:26 PM by Anonymous More English Mastweiler Testimonials | English Mastweiler Breed Information | English Mastweiler Photos | English Mastweiler Videos | English Mastweiler Bios | English Mastweiler Discussions |
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