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Paperanian Testimonials

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Archie the Small-ish Red Dog

Archie is the best dog ever. I rescued him from a foster home when he was only 1yr old. He was abused from birth until 7 months, so he is bad around other dogs... but in the safety of his own home he is a downright sweetheart. He is so smart; my boyfriend taught him how to "crawl" tonight. He'll do anything for moist & meaty treats. I highly recommend Paperanian mixes for all new dog owners! His health is great, no issues yet since he is a mix. He is a great size--weighs in at 19lb. Small enough to pick him up, but big enough to sit in your lap and be bigger than a guinea pig. :) I LOVE MY DOGGIE! Paperanians for all! :)
Posted: 6/12/2010 8:08:43 AM by Anonymous

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Tinker the Paperanian

We own a 17 month old Paperanian named Tinker. She weighs 4.4 pounds and is solid black in color, except for a tiny bit of white on both of her back paws. She has the most wonderful, playful, and lovable personality that anyone could ask for in a small dog, and is great with kids and most adults. She is a bit "yappy" towards outside noises, but we have toned that down a good bit with a few minor tricks we found in a book. She isn't completely housebroken, but she is getting much better at letting us know when she needs to go out. I would absolutely recommend one of these dogs to anyone. She has become part of the family and we consider her one our kids.
Posted: 5/24/2010 7:27:09 AM by Anonymous

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My Joliea

My little Joliea is going on 4 years old now. And is the light of my life. She is so well behaved, and very intelligent. She is the best traveling companion I have ever had, I take her on all my summer vacations. I take her into stores with her inside her little doggie carrier. She just sits in there and looks around, and never 4tries to jump out or get away, when she gets bored, she pokes her head back inside, and goes to sleep. She isn't a yappy little dog at all. When we stay in motels, I just take a potty paper and put it on the floor, and I don't even have to take her out, until morning. She is a true delight to be with. She follows me all over the house, and can't stand to have me out of her sight. She is the best dog I have ever owned, and don't know what I'd do without her.
Posted: 3/21/2010 10:30:39 AM by SPITFIRE

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