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Labernese Testimonials

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Personality Perfection!

We have a labernese named Sasha and she is the funniest, quirkiest dog I have ever seen! We have had her since she was 9-1/2 weeks old. Housebreaking her was pretty much nonexistent because she instinctively knew what not to touch in the house. The only thing we had to do was buy her a lot of chew Kong toys when she was teething because she was a powerful chewer and would chew on any wood she could find. She shows both sides of her breed in her personality distinctively: Black Lab is playful and affectionate, while Pyrenees is serious and "leave me alone today". Her two distinct personalities made her difficult to train, although not from lack of intelligence, but from her mood swings. It is always best to train while she is in "Retriever mode" as we call it because "Pyrenees mode" is unpredictable in cooperation. These shifts in her personality make Sasha entertaining and always interesting to watch!
Posted: 3/31/2010 8:11:33 AM by Anonymous

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