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Bo-Chi Testimonials
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my family had a bo chi for eight years her b-day was 7/28 she was attacked while laying in our yard she died on 7/31/10 she was the best dog ever she was blonde she had so many good traits I could go on forever never no health problems loved everyone never bit she loved to fetch loved to ride loved cats loved other dogs loved to play with her toys would give a million if i had it for another we had her cremated put in a urn our family will never be the same because of her loss
Posted: 8/5/2010 7:11:41 AM by Anonymous More Bo-Chi Testimonials | Bo-Chi Breed Information | Bo-Chi Photos | Bo-Chi Videos | Bo-Chi Bios | Bo-Chi Discussions Jake
I would like to tell you about my dog, Jake. Jake is 1/2 Boston Terrier and 1/2 Chihuahua. I saw a need at my last place of employment (a special education school) for a therapy dog. I got Jake and started right away training him as a service dog. He was so small I had to buy the tiny size service vest for him, the patches barley fit on it! Jake went to the school, hospitals and every place he was requested. Jake can smell when my mom hasn't taken her meds, and alerts me. Jake is a member of dog scouts, Chico, CA. troop 187. Jake has learned about water and loves his hikes. Jake has earned the A.K.C.'s Canine Good Citizen award and had the canine IQ test on Sept. 20, 2009. He tested just under genius, as "brainiac". Jake is registered in the International Designer Canine Registry. He goes in restaurants, stores, malls and is very well mannered. He can go "off leash" in public and has been trained in the "proper greeting" with other dogs. Jake has been in a dog parade, he loves to dress up. He looks pretty cool in shades too. He loves to go anywhere, and rides a horse too!
Posted: 11/2/2009 7:25:54 AM by sindee More Bo-Chi Testimonials | Bo-Chi Breed Information | Bo-Chi Photos | Bo-Chi Videos | Bo-Chi Bios | Bo-Chi Discussions Buckie
I have always said, "Anything smaller than a cat is NOT a dog!" that is until I received Buckie. A bo-chi, malnurished, dehydrated, and fearful of human hands. I wrapped him in my shirt for warmth, and agreed to take him home for rehab. even though the animal control officer was convienced he wouldn't survive. He did. He was my companion from that day on. We went everywhere together! He was my comfort, greeting me when I entered the door, even if I had just gone to get the mail! He slept behind my knee, or beside my head, depending on if it was thundering (the louder it got, the closer to my face he got) Buckie was killed by a pit that broke through my glass door, and entered my house. I have tried finding another like far impossible! Bochi's are not a popular breed here yet, and the ones I find online are WAY too exspensive!! He was my friend, and I will never forget him, and Niether will my children, he was very patient and kind to them, allowing the youngest to paint his nails, or put bows on his tail, he sat at "tea parties" and sat on their bed for nightly cat in the hat readings. I miss my buckie!
Posted: 10/18/2009 9:52:40 AM by Anonymous More Bo-Chi Testimonials | Bo-Chi Breed Information | Bo-Chi Photos | Bo-Chi Videos | Bo-Chi Bios | Bo-Chi Discussions |
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