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Cock-A-Chon Testimonials

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My Cock-A-Chon

My Cockachon was a light ginger colour when we first got her with very soft, fluffy fur (it was not curly) and when she got wet her fur went crimped. When she got older her fur became darker and started to go like wire and then finally went curly, also she did not malt. She was very intelligent and by the age of 5 months she new rollover , spin , high five , play dead , and many more..
The only problems we had with her was that she was very hard to house break and was still sometimes peeing in the house at 16 months , also she did not like young children (aged around 1-7) she would be fine if they just stroked her but hated it if they picked her up and would nip and grawl at them when she was a younger puppy but as she got older she was fine with them.

Although not liking young children she loved adults and older children and would not mind if they picked her up, she was also very good with dogs from a young age, and we could let her off lead anywhere we went and she would come back when called straight away!

You can see both breeds in this dog, as she would love to chase birds and rabbits and be in water(Cocker Spaniel)and would love to just sit on your lap all day being stroked and giving you kisses (Bichon frise):) when she was a puppy she was on wet food for the first 2 months and then went on to dry food , she wasnt hard to please with food she would eat anything that was givin to her.

The only health issue that we had with our Cockachon was that she would put on alot of weight quickly and easily.
This dog is not too small and not too big , she was the same size as bichon frise when fully grown but her curly fur made her look bigger.

Her nails would grow really quickly and so would her hair, but we just shaved her hair an cut her nails ourselves.
Overall this dog is a brilliant dog for anyone.
Posted: 9/14/2010 8:13:43 PM by Anonymous

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Cutest dog in the world!

If you want a dog with cute curly fur , big floppy ears , and a dog that is very intelligent and is eager to please you. You should deffinetly get A Cock-A-Chon . Everyone stops and looks when they see this dog coming as it is soooo gorgeous.

Its a little lap dog and a hunter all in one! So when your in the house it will follow you around sit on your lap giving you kisses and when its out on walkies off its lead somewhere it will be chasing a ball or hunting birds :) I just absoloutly love this dog!
Posted: 8/26/2010 2:54:42 PM by Anonymous

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