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Layla the Poxer
Hello, My my name is Vicky and my 3yr old dog is a Poxer, pug/boxer. I got her from a lady who was watching her sons pug while he served in Iraq. She had a female boxer and didn't think they would mate.
Layla,my Poxer, has no allergy issues. She is 26lbs, has a curly tail, a muzzle that is not as long as a boxer but not as short as a pug. Her color is a mix of silver and fawn.She also as a Morrison face, and a white chest. She is a barker,however she is a great guard dog and loves to play.She is very loyal to me and my husband and always wants to be in our laps.She does shed however i brush her everyday and give her a bath once every 2 weeks. when she plays she is like a boxer. she stands on her hind legs and boxes, and she is a ball of energy. I Love her and I am happy to be her mommy. Posted: 5/29/2010 4:15:03 PM by Anonymous More Poxer Testimonials | Poxer Breed Information | Poxer Photos | Poxer Videos | Poxer Bios | Poxer Discussions |
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