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Our little Bella

Our Chizer, Bella, was a rescue puppy. She was about 4 months old when we adopted her - she just recently turned a year old. We love her, she is such a great dog!

House training was slightly difficult, then again, this was the only dog I have ever owned - so it was all new to me. After about a month or two she was fully housebroke though. We crate trained - she is SO good about her crate. She stays in it when we are not home. She slept in it for the first 8 months or so, but now she sleeps at the foot of our bed or in s pallet on the floor.

She had a little problem with submissive & excited peeing, but that really seems to be getting better... I tihink she has about outgrown it.

She's amazing with our daughter who is now 4. She is also very good with other dogs, she wants to play with everyone.

While the description on here says that Chizers have sort legs, Bella has quite long & slender legs. She is a very fast runner. Her gate when not running is prancy and adorable.

Teaching her tricks has been challenging too, just because she has SO much energy. But in just the last 2 months I have been able to teach her; sit, speak, shake, lay down & roll over.

The only problem we have with he is that she does not listen very well when she is off the leash. She is not to great with the stay/come commands when outdoors - but we are working on it.

Over all, a great little bread! <3
Posted: 5/17/2010 10:36:11 AM by Anonymous

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Our Chonzer

We have a 6 month old Chonzer named Hooper, he is a wonderful little guy!!!! Very loving and affectionate, a happy go lucky personality. He was the easiest dog to housebreak we ever owned, and anyone who has lived in the East this past winter knows all the snow we had and he was just a baby and still went out to go potty with no problem, he climbed up the snowbanks and went right on top!!!!! He is smart and easy to train, however he is very spunky when playing and tends to get out of control sometimes but that may also be the puppy in him still. He is beige and gray right now but has lost alot of his gray recently. His face looks to remain mostly gray like a schnauzer. He is a real mix of the 2 dogs, he tends to get up and walk like a Bishon, but has the spunk of the Schnauzer. He loves other dogs and runs with the "big dogs" at the dog park. I would highly recommend this breed to anyone who has allergies, my husband is severely allergic to the point of getting hives from other breeds, but has been great with our Hooper!! He is a people dog, but sometimes barks at strangers............we love him dearly!!!
Posted: 5/12/2010 9:44:34 AM by Anonymous

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Daisy the Bassador

Our Bassador, Daisy, has more personality than any dog we've ever had. She is extremely loyal, and loves to play tug and loves squeaky toys, even at 4 years old. She was easily house trained, but during the day, her preference is to roam our fenced three acres. She definitely has hunting tendencies, and has treed several opossums and raccoons, and has the bay of a basset when she wants our attention. She is wonderful with our 11-year-old daughter, and gets along well with our cat, our lab, and our Irish Setter. We would recommend a Bassador to anyone.
Posted: 5/12/2010 9:43:13 AM by Anonymous

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White German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix

My dog is 7 & is awesome! His dad was a white german shepherd, mom was a golden retriever. He is highly intelligent! He has ~50 toys & knows the name of each toy. When he gets a new toy, we'll tell him its name twice & he knows it. If you tell him to get a specific toy, he'll get it.

Two years ago, I became a type 1 diabetic. When my sugar drops low he will alert me. If I am asleep & it drops, he'll wake me up. He figured it out on his own.

He loves playing frisbee, loves other dogs, is great with kids, and is task oriented.

The dog probably understands over 300 human words & commands. He also enjoys recycling. If you ask him to recycle, he'll carry empty bottles to our garage & place them in the recycling bin. He'll also fetch the newspaper & bring us our mail.

The dog can also leap! He's about 80 pounds & can easily clear the 4 foot fence we have, but knows not to.

He is a timid dog & does not like to walk on slick floors like the kinds at pet stores or the vet.

He is the smartest, most loving dog I've ever met.
Posted: 5/8/2010 8:41:28 AM by Anonymous

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Our Bichpoo

We bought Boodle at 8 weeks and he has been nothing but joy. The smartest dog I have ever been around, we can say bang or just point our finger and he plays dead. Loving, fun, playful and all you can ask for in a doggie!! Everyone thinks he looks like a stuffed animal an he does. He doesn't bark inless something scares him. He has a great strong body and is diffently a jumper, we call him a mountain goat.He loves the outdoors and the water. He is always in the pool or the Gulf when we go to the beach!!
I can't say enough good about this breed they are the best!!
Posted: 5/8/2010 8:34:18 AM by Anonymous

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My Cocker Pug - Goliath

My Cocker Pug, Goliath, was a birthday present for me in April of 2009. He was eight weeks when I got him. Having been afraid of dogs my whole life, Goli is the best dog to have for someone who used to be afraid. This dog has the best temperment. He is very calm and sweet and oh so loving. He is very energetic and loves to play catch.

Goli was so easy to potty train. Now when he needs to go, he just goes to the backyard door and lets us know.

He loves people a lot and no one can come into our home without a greeting from Goli. Everyone loves this adorable little dog.

He is a very good watch dog because everytime someone passes the window or he sees someone outside, he lets us know.

Goliath has been a Godsend for me and I believe he has completely cured me of my fear of dogs. I used to cross the street when I saw a dog. Now I find myself actually petting dogs (with their owner's permission, of course). I had never dones this before my buddy came along.

Goli loves children but, with the exception of one of our friends' toddler, he seems to shy away from smaller children. Not sure why.

So for anyone who has a fear of dogs, a cocker pug is the perfect first dog. You can only love this guy.
Posted: 5/8/2010 8:31:20 AM by mardew

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