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Dogs Home > Designer Dog Bios > Misty Moonlight the Lhasapoo

Misty Moonlight 's Bio

joined 6/8/2009

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Misty Moonlight
Misty Moonlight the Black & Silver Brindle Female Lhasapoo / Stands Under 5 inches tall / Weighs 6 lbs / Born 3/8/2008 in Covington, Kentucky / Lives with JWartist in Covington, KY (United States)


N/A (Spay & Neuter Information)
N/A (Microchipping Information)
Came From
Very loving and warm, protective of me medically
Favorite Toy
any doll she has - she is a very girly-girl!
Favorite Hobby
She is a service dog -she goes everywhere with me to take care of me!
Favorite Food
she eats only Royal Canin
Favorite Treat
anything chicken or pnut butter flavored.
Favorite Trick
hates doing tricks ... will do them but hates to!!
Favorite Place To Sleep
my bed (naps), her crate (night), and her kitty shaped bed in the living room,
Favorite Place To Play
Favorite Place To Walk
criminals .... the only people she has ever growled at have turned out to be criminals!
Misty Moonlight 's Story & Details
Misty is my 2nd service dog. When my old dog Mini got cancer, the Vet said it was time to choose a replacement. Mini would have to train her replacement as one part of what they warn me of, no training center can train for. So we took Mini (a MalShi) to the breeders and had her put out the female puppies for Mini to choose. Mini got down to the next to last and brought her to me and said "my job's done!" She chose Misty and mothered her - even tho she had never had pups and was almost 11 years old. She had fast growing tumors and managed to only hold on until Misty was 6 months old. When we "rolled" in the door after coming home from the Vet, there was an immediate change in Misty. It was as tho she said, OK Mom, I'm the dog in charge of you now, the working dog. She had known what to do before that but only been half serious about it ... after that, she was "on duty" all the time! She warns me when I am about to pass out (from FMS) in time to park my wheelchair and lay my head down, tells me when my sugar is too high or low, and tells me when my blood pressure or heart is acting up and makes me go lay down! When anyone asks me how much MY dog is worth with Misty and Mini before her I say there is not enough money in the whole world!!! Mini trained 3 service dogs and Misty has already trained one ... just by association! And they have both helped teach children not to be afraid of dogs ... but at the same time we teach them NOT to run up and touch a strange dog without asking first!!! And since I am disabled physically but still able to speak up for myself, my dogs and I have paved the way for other disabled and their animals in many areas! Oh. Misty weighs a whole 6 pounds! She is the smallest grown dog I've had - even my chihuahuas were bigger! But I paid for it ... she's also the first "nervous tinkler" I've had and the first that would turn over trash cans to tear up tissues! :)

Misty Moonlight 's Puppy Pad

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