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Dogs Home > Designer Dog Bios > Scotty the Bushland Terrier

Scotty's Bio

joined 6/13/2009

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Bushland Terrier
Scotty the Black Brindle Male Bushland Terrier / Stands 14 inches tall / Weighs 19 lbs / Born 9/14/1998 in West Texas / Lives with samsmom in Westfield, NJ (United States)


N/A (Spay & Neuter Information)
N/A (Microchipping Information)
Scottaroo, Roo, Mooch, Bupper
Came From
AMAZING! Friendly, sweet, caring, loving, inquisitive, eager to please
Favorite Toy
Mini Budda Hedgehog, any small stuffed animal, tennis balls
Favorite Hobby
Fetch, sniffing out critters, chasing bunnies, birdies and squirrels
Favorite Food
Anything edible.
Favorite Treat
Freeze dried liver or salmon
Favorite Trick
Bang! (when you shoot your finger at him and say bang, he rolls over and dies)
Favorite Place To Sleep
Basement sofa or in his "puppy bed"
Favorite Place To Play
Favorite Place To Walk
Mail coming in the slot, being disturbed when he's sleeping
Scotty's Story & Details
A rescue after being hit by a truck on a TX interstate, Scotty was caravanned to NJ and has had a good life here ever since. He was recently diagnosed with lung cancer, but after surgery, chemo and holistic supplements, he is in remission now for 7 months, with no sign of cancer at this time.

Scotty's Puppy Pad

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