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Dogs Home > Designer Dog Bios > Yoda the Ratshi Terrier

Yoda's Bio

joined 9/7/2012

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Ratshi Terrier
Yoda the Black Gold & Silver Male Ratshi Terrier / Stands 12 inches tall / Weighs 10 lbs / Born 6/30/2011 in Richlands / Lives with krasnick184 in Bluefield, VA (United States)


No (Spay & Neuter Information)
No (Microchipping Information)
Yoder, Stinker Tail
Came From
Hyper, Hops and leaps everywhere he goes! Snuggle Buggy :)
Favorite Toy
ANYTHING with a sqeeker!
Favorite Hobby
Fetch! He also loves laser lights!
Favorite Food
Small Bites
Favorite Treat
Favorite Trick
Make your hand into a gun, say pow and he falls over dead!
Favorite Place To Sleep
Anywhere near or on someone
Favorite Place To Play
Favorite Place To Walk
City Park
His belly scratched
When you try and take his treat away
Yoda's Story & Details
My mother use to live in an apartment in Richlands, VA. An older man below her asked her if she wanted a dog, he could not keep him because he was geting older. The man said he took him from his sons house, where his son and friends were abusing him. My mother called and asked me If I wanted the dog so I came to look at him the next day. I instantly fell in love with his wire like hair and his old man appearence. That is why I named him Yoda! He is our baby and one of the smartest dogs I have ever seen.I would'nt trade him for the world!!!

Yoda's Puppy Pad

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