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Our new Westie-laso --- Boomer

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[blue][font=Georgia]Our baby "Maggie" of 16 years past away in March of this year. The hole in our heart was so deep I didn't think we would ever want to get another pet. Our other dog Princess who is twoish started really getting depressed. She would sleep more and more. She started not wanting to go outside at nightime. Maggie would always "check" the yard to make sure it was safe. Our kids missed her, Princess and both me and my husband missed her so very very much. I was on the pc looking at craigslist and went to the pet section. Of course I found a picture of the cutest dog BOOMER ! "Dog resuce, 40$ adoption fee, call XXX-XXXX". I called and we went up to see him that day. The kids were gone for the weekend so my husband and I met him. He was the happiest, nicest dog. Full of engery and spit and vinegar! The woman we adopted him from resuces dogs from shelters. These dogs only have a couple of days to live when she takes them from the pound, gets there shots and a vet visit. Then keeps them at her house until she can find someone to adopt them. She charges $40.00 so when she adopts one out she can go and resuce another one !!! ~~~ Our Boomer only had 3 days to live ~~~ The kids love him to death! He lets my daughter carry him around. Plays ball with my son. Cuddles with me on the couch and follow his dad around like his shaddow. He drives Princess crazy because he is such a "dog"!!! (thats so good for And fills up that huge hole in our hearts that our beautiful Maggie left. Thank you Maggie for sending us Boomer !!! We will love and care for him just like we did you. Mommy, Daddy, Princess and the Kids ! [/font=Georgia][/blue]

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