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Discussions > Breed Specific > Boglen Terrier > Boglen Terrier weight?

Boglen Terrier weight?

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I have a 2 year old Boglen Terrier named Darla. She weighs 39lbs and the vet said that she should only be 25lbs. She is extremely active, runs, wrestles,swims, goes for walks, to the park, and daycare. She eats Wellness weight managment but will eventully be switched to homemade meals supplemented with the dry food. What are other peoples Boglens weights? She seems like she is just a bigger Boglen, but she was from a pet store so I have no history of her parents. Any comments, suggestions, info on other Boglens would be helpful. Thank you!

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[:)] Hi! I have a "BOGLEN" & she is 6 months, 24 in & weighs 15lbs. Like you stated she is very active and the vet said her weight s fine so far....I'm writing this to say that in a yr and a half i can see her possibly passing the 25lbs mark! I'm no expert but, I do know she is healthy and as long as your "BOGLEN" is healthy/normal maybe things are fine. Sincerely, New Boglen Owners!
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I have two Boglen Terriers, same litter, both 5 years old. They both currently weigh 35lbs. It's hard for me to believe they weigh[:)] the same, as one feels lighter due to being slightly longer.
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I would have to say what the vet said seems somewhat acurate 20- 25lbs for being 2 yrs old, mine(4/5 yrs old) have seemed like they have been gaining around 5 lbs the past few years each year. I know the site says they can get up to 40lbs full grown. I'm still learning about the breed too, maybe looking at the what the weights are seperately of beagles and that of boston terriers. Also, in your case of not knowing the history of parents/ health (thyroid?) would be harder too.
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Hi Darla is now 3yrs and 3 months old. She weighs 42lbs currently, which is good it means she lost 2 pounds since November! Her thyroid was checked when she was a year old. It wasn't because of her weight, but her mood swings. She will growl at you one minute and kiss you the next. I would like her to get down to atleast 35lbs. Thanks for responding, it really helps finding out what others like her weigh.
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Our dog Bella,is a Boglen,she weights 34lbs,her vet wants her down to 30 lbs,because back in the winter,she tore her ACL in her right rear leg,she was 37 lbs at that time,vet states she was too heavy,she has lost 3 pounds and is doing very well on the leg now,it was a long slow process,she needed complete cage rest.Very hard to get your dog to loose weight when they are on cage rest.Shes doing very well now!!!!

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