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Is Holly a Mal Shi?

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[size=2]We just got this lovable thing from a local animal Rescue. They didnt know what kind of mix she is but when I sent a pic of her to a friend in Florida, our friend said she was a Mal Shi and that they sell for lots of money there. I did some research and she does look very much like a Mal Shi. But her head looks to big for her body and she weighs about 20 lbs. She was clipped by the Rescue place so her hair looks awful right now. Here is a link to her picture. [url][/url] If anyone out there could please look and see if she might be a Mal Shi it would be appreciated. Personally I dont care what she is. We got her so our other baby, a dog pound doggie, that we adopted several years ago would have a playmate. They have really taken to each other. Thanks[/size=2]

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