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 Location:whiteland, IN (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:moxieView My Bio
Breed:PapipooView My Gallery
Age:15 years 8 months 11 days

Purebred Dogs (Compliments of

Name:caseyView My Bio
Breed:Miniature SchnauzerView My Gallery
Age:22 years 6 months 30 days

Recent Discussion Posts

liking you

yea he does all those things to me, i guess my dog loves me[:D]

liking you | General Discussions

Posted: 8/23/2009 4:18:53 PM


toes | General Discussions

Posted: 8/11/2009 11:09:32 AM

email address

ok yea it worked. thanks 4 the help!

email address | Technical Difficulties

Posted: 7/28/2009 4:28:11 PM

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