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 Location:Jonesboro, GA (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:JAKEView My Bio
Breed:ShiChiView My Gallery
Age:15 years 14 days

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Week 1

We have had Pooka for a week now and he is becoming more and more comfortable in his new home. The best thing about him is that he came paper trained so it has not been hard at all to get him acclimated to going potty outside. He is starting to eat more and has begun to run around as though he owns the place. So far so good! We went to the vet and got a clean bill of health. We crate him during the day and he cries at the very beginning of leaving him. I have been having a tough time but I am going to purchase a D.A.P plug in that is supposed to calm him down so the seperation anxiety doesn't get to bad. My question is what is there for me to take for mine? I'll keep you all updated as this will be his first full four days being crated.

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Posted: 11/30/2009 8:52:19 PM

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