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 Location:Clark, MO (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:OscarView My Bio
Breed:MorkieView My Gallery
Age:14 years 11 months 3 days

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Chew Bones

I just wanted to pass on the sad news about our Min Pin Princess in hopes that it may help save someone the hearth ache we experinced.

We had Princess for 12 years. She was so much a part of our family. If Princess was not allowed some where, we didn't go there. We even rented her a Motel room to say in while we were at Silver Dollar City, lol.

Anyway, on Dec 6 of this past year, she was chewing on a Raw Hide chew bone and began chocking. She had ate several of them before with no problem. Loved them !

Anyway, I tryed to slap her on her back, I tryed the several things including reaching down her throat with tweezers to rempve it. I couls get a hold of it but it was to slick to remove. We live in the counrty and going to the vet was not an option.

I guess you have figured out by now, we lost Princess on the 6th of Dec. Oscar has brought much needed joy to our lifes, but will never be able to replace Princess.

I wanted to share this story in hopes that everyone who reads it will use care when giving your pet a treat. Never leave them un attened while chewing a treat.

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Posted: 1/2/2010 10:17:39 AM

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