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 Location:Safety Harbor, FL (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:RagsView My Bio
Breed:Jackie-BichonView My Gallery
Age:24 years 3 months 27 days
Name:BuddyView My Bio
Breed:CavachonView My Gallery
Age:16 years 1 month 15 days

Purebred Dogs (Compliments of

Name:SUGARView My Bio
Breed:PekingeseView My Gallery
Age:16 years 1 month 15 days

Recent Blogs

Buddy's progress

Buddy has become a wonderful addition to our family. He loves to catch a soft ball and then toss it back to us!

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Posted: 2/16/2011 2:09:17 PM

Extreme potty training needed

Our rescue Cavachon 1 1/2 yo. (we've had for 2 mos. now) is a wonderful boy, except that we can't get him to consistantly potty outside.
He will go out if we tell him "let's go out"
(we have a doggie door) and sometimes he ventures out on his own, and then sometimes we have to assist him to go out (we go with him, we don't just shove him out the door). He may potty just fine but, he can also just stand outside stiff as a post, or sniff all over and do nothing and then go right back inside and potty. We knew this was going to be an issue because he had been crated for most of his life! The former owner really didn't want him, and he was matted and had never been on a leash when we got him.
We need some advice!!

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Posted: 9/8/2010 1:37:58 PM

need Cavachon info

A co-worker needs to find a home for her 1 1/2 yr old Cav. (she is moving to a small apt. and is able to take only her female Cav. due to lack of funds & space. I have offered to take him, but am unfamiliar with the breed. Does anyone know about health probs. later on? Both dogs seem healthy now, but I'd like to know if there are likely to be health problems down the road.

I haven't been able to download photos either, so I don't know just what they look like but she said he was fluffy.
Do they need to be groomed/trimmed? My Jackie-Bichon isn't groomed, (other than brushing of course),I like her natural rather than fluffed up and it doesn't grow past a certain length.


Read more blogs by ragster | Read more blogs in First Post

Posted: 6/8/2010 8:49:09 PM

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