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 Location:Fort Riley, KS (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:Daisy MarieView My Bio
Breed:ChiweenieView My Gallery
Age:14 years 1 month 17 days

Recent Blogs

Rabies Shot

Took Daisy to the vet for her first shot since we bought her. Went extremely well. Thank goodness. I was worried, but she was a champ the whole time! She's due for one more shot at the end of the month and then she's good for awhile. After that it's time to make plans to fix her. It can be fatal to her and or her puppies if she was to become pregnant. I'd rather have just her, alive and healthy than for her to have puppies. She's becoming a vital member of our family!

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Posted: 4/6/2011 5:44:13 PM


It appears that we have a little escape artist on our hands! The pet shop recommended keeping her "contained" when we were asleep or not home. For the second time now, I have came home to her escaping her "sanctuary". Thankfully there's been no issue with her doing so. I have yet to find anything chewed or that she's went potty on the floor. She was litter trained at the pet shop and is able to get back into her "sanctuary" when she feels the urge to go. I am still completely amazed by the whole litter trained aspect. I've heard of it being done before but I've never actually witnessed it. It's so awesome. Back to topic, it appears as if I need to find a more secure way to contain her when we are sleeping or away.

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Posted: 4/4/2011 4:13:54 PM

1st weekend

Had a good first weekend. She seems to be adjusting well. Took her outside for a little while yesterday while it was nice and she seemed to really enjoy frolicking in the yard and then to just lay on the grass and bask in the sun. My daughters think she's the greatest thing. My husband said that even tho she was bought as a "family pet" that she is most definitely my dog.

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Posted: 4/4/2011 7:37:52 AM

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