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 Location:Orange, TX (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:RomeoView My Bio
Breed:ChorkieView My Gallery
Age:12 years 8 months 21 days

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I am just a little nicely spoiled.. I like to lay on my mom's bed to take a nap sometimes, so I look up toward the bed, and make my little up gesture. Im too little to get up there by myself. My mom picks me up and puts me in the bed.. Now im sound asleep...

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Posted: 1/27/2012 1:42:46 PM

Romeo's Training

Just wanted to report that Romeo did very well today.  My sister and I decided to do a little shopping and I crated him while I was out.. Got home and took him out ( he was happy to see me) and he went pee pee in the right spot.  I got all excited over him, and he just looked like hey its all about me.....  and it is....

Read more blogs by johnsgirl | Read more blogs in A Day In The Life Of ...

Posted: 1/21/2012 1:29:52 PM

Puppy Training Pads

Was wondering if anybody has any suggestions on training.  My little guy does well with the # 2 part of toilet training...he often sometimes pee pee in other spots too.  He will use the pad for pee pee but he makes mistakes often... He does not miss abeat though with # 2.. Wondering  if I am doing something wrong? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Read more blogs by johnsgirl | Read more blogs in A Day In The Life Of ...

Posted: 1/20/2012 12:16:34 PM

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