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Designer Dog Blog for sands904

Blog for sands904

Entries: 1 - 2 of 4

Update on Logan's Tooth (or lack there of)

by sands904 on 7/25/2008 at 7:44 PM in Vet Visits

Well, yesterday was two weeks since Logan had his tooth removed. I took him into the Vet for a check up. She said everything was healing nicely and that his stiches should dissolve within 2 to 3 more weeks. That seems like a long time to me but as long as he is doing well I am happy :). I just hope we have no more need to visit the Vet until their annual check up and shots in September.
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Logan's Teeth

by sands904 on 7/10/2008 at 7:21 AM in Vet Visits

Now, Logan has a loose tooth. I took Lacey in a few weeks ago because she had a chipped one. I was brushing his teeth 2 days ago and noticed a little reddish-brown on the brush so I looked in his mouth and saw a little line of blood on the gums above one of his premolars. I tried to move it and it moved. I immediately called the vet and was able to get him in right away. They said he needed to have the tooth removed. I am taking him in this morning to have it taken out. I am hoping this is just an issue related to the same treats I gave Lacey that cause her tooth issues. I will NEVER buy those again. They were 'Hartz Dentist's Best Chew Treats' for small dogs. They are obviously too hard for little dogs teeth despite the fact they were labeled for dogs under 20lbs. I am very upset that my two wonderful dogs are both missing teeth.
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