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pooghan owners?

pooghan owners?

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pooghan owners?

by snowdust on 11/30/2009 at 6:21 PM in Daily life

Spent a fair bit of time today trying to find other pooghan owners to chat luck so far. Snow today! A first time experience for Chance.It was fun to watch him process this new experience! Cautious and looking at me as if to be sure it was safe and I was still with him.We live on 40 acres and are fairly secluded so I was pleased that Chance warned me someone was at the door by barking and growling,yet was well behaved when the person,a stranger to Chance, came in the front entry.He showed no signs of aggression towards this person,just let me know someone was at the door.Chance loves to fetch and play, he has me wondering about doing agility work with him.Has anyone done this with their pooghan? Hope to hear from some pooghan owners! Surely I'm not the only one?!
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Welcome to you and Chance! He sounds like a great dog! Sorry, but I don't have a Pooghan (I have two Chipoos). They are great little dogs. Here is a link to some of the other Pooghans on our site:
sands904 on 11/30/2009 at 7:26 PM

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