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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Entries: 661 - 662 of 817

He always makes me smile

by manateelover on 6/19/2009 at 5:42 PM in My Life

Mulder is always making me smile. When we are out in the yard, I will be sitting in a lounge chair while he plays. Every few minutes he will sprint across the yard and jump into my lap to give me kisses. He then turns around and goes back to playing and running through the yard. That just makes me laugh at his silliness, but smile at his love.

He's still jumping in the shower the with me and that always makes me smile. He trots along behind me all through the house. He snuggles up with me at bedtime. He greets me when I get home. He brings me his favorite toys.

Mulder always makes me smile each and every day. He is such a great dog.
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My Best 4 legged friend

by ilovepugshires on 6/17/2009 at 11:50 PM in My Bailey

This is the best dog I have ever had I have had him since he was 5 1/2 weeks old.. From day one he slept in my bed on my pillow he was so little and so sweet..
I would go take a bath and he would come sit by the tub and would try to jump up on it to look in and he would be to far back and his little chin would hit the tub and he would slide down to the floor..
And you know what he still does this but now he can reach the tub lol..
He follows me everywhere and acts like he is my protector he thinks he is a pitbull..
He will come up to me when I am laying on the bed watching tv and and will take his little paw and pull it to his chest wanting me to scratch him and he will pull my had over sometimes just to lay his face in it.
Bailey touches everyone he meets my Dad God Rest His Soul wasn't crazy about dogs but he loved Bailey and so did my Grandmother..
It is amazing how one little dog can touch so many like my 25 year old son who did not like him at all when we got him but he grew to love him and now they are together in his studio all the time Bailey stretched out in front of the fan..
Like I said this little dog is my best 4 legged friend and I wouldn't take a million dollars for him.


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