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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Entries: 775 - 776 of 817

New Grooming Tool

by sands904 on 8/5/2008 at 7:42 PM in Grooming Tools

About a month ago I ordered the Peticure. My husband and I saw a commericial on TV and thought it looked great. I just received it today and tried it out. For those of you that have never heard of it, it is a lot like those electric tonail filling devices you see in the petstores except that it has a protective guard on the end with small holes in it for the tonail to fit into. That way the foot is protected from slippage and being filed as well.

I tried it on both Lacey and Logan they didn't like the noise at first but I let them sniff it and held the handle portion to their feet so they could get used to the vibration. It only took a few minutes and they were letting me file their nails with it.

I ususally file their nails with a hand file instead of clipping them because neither of them like the clippers and I have heard that it is not really good for the nail to be clipped. This does the same thing as the hand file in a fraction of the time. I have only used it once but I definitely recommend it so far!
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First Vet Visit

by JLRose06 on 8/4/2008 at 12:13 PM in Vet Visits

So, Daisy had her first vet visit on Saturday. My Fiance took her. She did really well and weighs 5 pounds. I was surprised b/c she is such a little dog. She is 8 weeks old today. They don't think she will get very big. She has to go back in 3 weeks to get another booster shot. I have noticed that she likes to dig little holes and she likes dirt a lot. I think that is the beagle puppy in her. She is always into something. That's about it for now, I'll update more as time goes on.
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