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Poogle Testimonials

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Otis the Poogle

Otis - i believe is absolutely the most wonderful dog in the world. he isa 1 1/2 year old salt an pepper poogle. he also has little patches of whiteespecially under his chin and a reddish beard. there was practically noproblem training him. he learned quickly and has had no accidents inside.he loves my husband and i both so much. he loves people food and lots ofsleep. he is the calmest dog i have ever seen.. one thing that otis doesget upset about is the doorbell. until he can actually touch the personringing it he barks the beagle bark. he is a very loving dog to everyone,especially children. when he goes for his walks, everyone in theneighborhood calls him by name and otis loves it. things he loves: toys,rawhide bones, milk, cheese, lolipops, did i mention sleeping and cheetos.lots of personality. i highly recommend a poogle for anyone who wants avery loyal, non shedding dog.
Posted: 2/24/2011 6:50:51 PM by Anonymous

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Cargo the Beapoo

My half Poodle/Beagle was called a Beapoo from the breeder. He is 4 years old now and so loveable. I would tell anyone to get one. He is single coated and doesn't shed unless his hair is really long. He is hypoallergenic when kept clean. He is a lovebug and loves to sleep under the covers. He was a punk to train it took a year before he would go pee outside all the time but he is quick to learn tricks including crawling, walking, dancing, paw, high five etc.
Posted: 1/1/2010 10:54:29 AM by Anonymous

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Poogles are the Best!

I have the sweetest dog ever, my poogle, Chica is now 3 years old. She is very smart, submissive, loving, cuddly, and loyal. Her favorite things are going on walks, playing at dog park, cuddling close for naps, learning tricks and getting treats. She is tan and white with a freckled underbelly. Her hair is kind of long and curls, and she does shed a little. She hates thunder, baths, and getting her nails clipped. She learns so fast, she is a therapy dog and we go to nursing homes and the hospital every month. We often look for other poogles but can never find any. Let me know if there are other poogle lovers out there!
Posted: 1/2/2009 9:02:43 AM by evam

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My baby Perle

I have an 8 month old black poogle. She's awesome. Super affectionate, very playful, loves her big sister (terrier mix). She's not the easiest dog to train. She'll listen real good if there is a treat in front of her. She knows the work Treat very well. She does sit and lay down and stop doing what she's doing when asked, however the chewing and barking are a bit much. She chews on shoes. She really likes shoes. So I've bought her raw hide cheweeze, she loves them and it keeps her busy. We can't leave her loose ever but we have a yard collar and it works great. Allows her to roam free and play with the other dogs in the neighbourhood. When she wants attention she'll paw you.
Posted: 12/28/2008 7:11:32 AM by Anonymous

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Poodle or Poogle

I don't believe it, but my supposedly pure poodle is in fact, a poodle beagle (according to a blood test submitted for DNA testing) But, Lucy Latte is the most loving, smartest, dearest little pup ever. She is Ms. Personality and everyone in my neighborhood knows her. Lucy is very fast, loves to fetch, wrestle with other pups, and licks my face. She also loves men! That must be the French poodle part. All in all, I love her.
Posted: 6/1/2008 8:05:28 PM by lucylatte

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