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Lab-Chow Testimonials
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Dori was 6 years olds when I adopted her from a shelter who brought her up from GA (She was in a place called "dogs on death row"). She is the sweetest, loving dog. I adopted her about 6 weeks after I had lost my part-golden that I had for 13 years. She immediately bonded to me, and after several weeks my husband. She didn't take to my grandsons immediately, but now she has accepted them as part of her "pack". She sits in my reclining chair with me, with her legs and tail hanging off. She'll also sleep in the bed with me. She is territorial and doesn't like small dogs (or squirrels). She was already housebroken and crate trained, but she didn't like the crate (must have been that 16 hour trip on a bus from GA).
She goes crazy when I return home, running around and getting her stuffed toy for me to throw. She makes welcoming sounds like I've been away for weeks! She's very affectionate, and in the 14 months I've had her, she has never messed in the house. She has never chewed anything either. She's an angel of a dog, and I'm so glad I was able to give her a home. Posted: 1/15/2012 1:14:23 PM by Anonymous More Lab-Chow Testimonials | Lab-Chow Breed Information | Lab-Chow Photos | Lab-Chow Videos | Lab-Chow Bios | Lab-Chow Discussions Cadie
We have a "rescue" Lab/Chow mix named Cadie, now for two years, overall she is a great dog.
She is solid black, except around each eye is a brown ring of hair, which is what attracted us to saving her. I think she has the build of the Lab, the ears of the Chow and the black spotted tongue. Learning what we did about Chows, we did our best to socialize her with other people. She is very stand-offish with visitors, rarely letting anyone pet her, often staying in the same room keeping a careful eye on visitors and growling if they try to pet her. She has not ever shown any signs of aggressiveness outside of the growl or trying to bite anyone even when they push to pet her. Otherwise she is completely at home with the two of us, could not be a better dog. Cadie was very easy to house break and to learn to sit, shake, stay, lay and to operate a treat machine which is in the shape of a bubble gum machine with a big bone type lever which must be operated to get the treat. We have a 15 year old Schnoodle which sleeps all day and Cadie ignores and an eight year old Schnoodle that Cadile loves to play with, but she plays rougher than what the other dog likes, but overall the coexist very well. Yes she sheds, loves to play tug of war and starts every night at the foot of our bed, but soon gets down and sleeps on the floor. I hope your experience with a Chow/Lab mix works out as well as our Cadie has. Posted: 12/10/2011 11:03:18 AM by Anonymous More Lab-Chow Testimonials | Lab-Chow Breed Information | Lab-Chow Photos | Lab-Chow Videos | Lab-Chow Bios | Lab-Chow Discussions Freedom
My eleven year old Black Lab-Chow mix spent the entire first year ofher life locked up in metal dog crate. The girl, who had her mother and father, got homes for all of the puppies except for one. This girl was a dog collector of sorts, who obviously thought she was doing a good deed every time she took in a stray. Unfortunately, she didn't have the time,adequate space, or the know how needed to be responsible for dogs. The first time I ever saw my Lab-Chow mix was in a Petsmart Store. I had gone there to buy dog food and a local rescue organization was conducting a pet Adoption there in the store. I've always had two dogs at the same time. My seventeen year old Lhasa Apso, who was like my own child, had died eight months before and Morna, my Shepard mix, and I felt it was time to think about getting another dog to be a companion to us both. I agreed to take the Lab-Chow mix as a Foster Dog, but when I was made aware of the conditions she had lived in for the entirety of her life, I decided to adopt her. She was exactly a year old when she came to live with us. Her owner brought her to my home, along with her metal crate. The girl had named her Spunky which, in my opinion, didn't fit this frightend and totally untrained dog at all.She had no idea what a bowl was or how to eat from one and obviously, no attempt had ever been made to house train this dog. For her entire life, up until that time, she had to eat dry dog food, thrown onto the floor of her crate, and she went to bathroom on the same crate floor from which she ate. I learned very quickly she didn't like being in that crate, but because she had always been locked up, she was afraid of open spaces. Going into our privacy fenced in wooded back yard was scary for her and she wanted me near her. The metal crate went back to the girl who had her from birth, and Spunky gota new name, which is Freedom. It didn't take but a few days to teach her to eat from her bowl. To completely house break Freedom took me almost a year. When she first came to us, the fur around the back of her legs was bare from sitting in that crate in her own urine. She's had many baths and been brushed much since then and her coat is healthy and beautiful now. Freedom is the most loyal and protective dog I've ever had. She is not usually aggressive but she doesn't like ill behaved little children who jump and run in her house. Fortunately, her patience with a misbehaving child,in our own home, has been put to the test only once. Freedom didn't break his skin, but she nipped the child and taught him that he should be quiet and settle down and leave her alone. Several years ago, I had emergency surgery and friends of mine came to take the dogs out and to feed them. When one friend, who was caring for them attempted to enter my bedroom, Freedom prevented her from entering the room. Freedom sleeps in the hallway, just outside of my bedroom door. She use to sleep in bed with me, but the bed I have now is too high for her to jump onto. When my daughter visits overnight, Freedom alerts me if she gets up in the night. During theday, her favorite place to hang out is the futon in our den, which is known as Freedom's Futon. Freedom's favorite things are squeaky toys, raw hide bones, and tummy rubs. She enjoys a walk around the block, but is always anxious to return home. When she goes out into the backyard after dark, even though I turn on the floodlights, Freedom still wants me with her, at least I need to stand on the porch, where she can see me. Two and a half years ago,her sister Morna got very sick and died. Freedom saw her, so she knew Morna had died. Freedom grieved for Morna and she was very depressed. I have since adopted Maggie, a Lhasa Apso-Terrier mix, and she and Freedom love each other and have become the best of friends. Freedom is eleven years old now, and except for a slowing thyroid, for which she's being treated, she seems healthy. I feed her Nutro Ultro Holistic Senior Dry Dog Food, sprinkled with uncooked Old Fashioned Oat Meal and on that I pour in just a little Extra Virgin Olive Oil. She loves me and I'm convinced she would protect me with her life. I love Freedom too. With those beautiful brown staring eyes, she looks you right into the eye and she shows you her love. I would recommend a Lab-Chow for an adult household, especially a settled older single adult, who is home most of the time and who does not travel, a person who has experience and patience with a variety of dogs and who is able to be as loyal to this dogas she will be to you.
Posted: 8/15/2011 11:17:03 AM by Anonymous More Lab-Chow Testimonials | Lab-Chow Breed Information | Lab-Chow Photos | Lab-Chow Videos | Lab-Chow Bios | Lab-Chow Discussions My Lab-Chow
I have a Lab Chow who is now 12 years old and is still in good health. I have never had a better dog, he is affectionate, intellegent,and loyal to a fault. He is patient and calm, super with children and little dogs.
Posted: 11/12/2010 9:24:59 AM by Anonymous More Lab-Chow Testimonials | Lab-Chow Breed Information | Lab-Chow Photos | Lab-Chow Videos | Lab-Chow Bios | Lab-Chow Discussions Lab-Chow
I had a lab/chow mix given to my boyfriend by a coworker. He was pure white and I took him to the vet as soon as I got him home. The vet insisted he was a pure lab until I showed him the tongue, which had some large purple areas. At that point the vet agreed he was a lab/chow mix.
My dog, Bo, was an active normal puppy who was extremely intelligent - he kept fussing at the front door until he grew enough to reach to the door knob and put his paws around it just as he had seen us open it with our hands!! As I am sure you can see, I LOVED THIS DOG. Of course I had to be careful with him because he was VERY, VERY protective. He readily sensed the nature of each person we encourntered and reacted accordingly. I had no problem controlling him but he knew from the onset I was the boss of him. He grew to over 100 lbs and was absolutely pure white. I wish I could find another one just like him!!! There was an issue with hot spots which the vet said was due to Bo being so white. We lived in a very hot climate year round but other than the hot spots he was very healthy and loving to us. Posted: 8/25/2010 7:14:33 AM by Anonymous More Lab-Chow Testimonials | Lab-Chow Breed Information | Lab-Chow Photos | Lab-Chow Videos | Lab-Chow Bios | Lab-Chow Discussions Thoughts on a Labrachow
I am the lucky owner of a first generation Labrachow named Kylie. I would not recommend this breed for a person who has a hard time following through with commands, as she is a bit of a "knot-head".
I got her from a room mate who had gotten her from a room mate who had moved out. Kylie was severely neglected by the first owner, and her emotional state when I got her can only be described as deserted, and unhappy. I was a previous dog-owner, and take a firm, but gentle hand when it comes to training, with a swat or two reserved only for serious rule infractions. I had no intention at all, whatsoever of adopting a dog at the time, and just started training her so I could set a dinner plate on the coffee table without it disappearing. As time went on, Kylie started bonding to me, and I to her. About two weeks in to it, my room mate asked me if I wanted to adopt her from him. It was a no-brainer. She is two years old now. The only signs of aggression that I see in her are a bit of cat-chasing, which I discourage under all circumstances, as I am a cat person. The other circumstance is in defense of me or the home or the yard. I do have to supervise her at all times, as I live in town, and she is territorial. She does have the potential to be viscous, like any other dog, and a chow breed is more independent and headstrong (read "I don't give a damn what you say, biped, I am all that is dog!!") than most. Not a breed for he faint of heart, or the lazy, as you HAVE to correct their behavior, no matter what, or they will pust the limits. Because of those points, only get one if you are capable of dedication hours a day to them. Your new pet will pay the price if you fail. Euthanasia for following their instincts is not good, but they will be killed if you fail to train them. All of that said, I would not trade her for the world, she obeys me, is protective of me and friends/family/house/yard, she is a conservative eater, and is not a pester-bug, like many other dogs, either. Remember, a Chow Chow is independent, not needing a lot of affection, as dogs go. She is like having a loving, affectionate guardcat. Posted: 7/15/2010 8:23:33 AM by Anonymous More Lab-Chow Testimonials | Lab-Chow Breed Information | Lab-Chow Photos | Lab-Chow Videos | Lab-Chow Bios | Lab-Chow Discussions |
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