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my family had a bo chi for eight years her b-day was 7/28 she was attacked while laying in our yard she died on 7/31/10 she was the best dog ever she was blonde she had so many good traits I could go on forever never no health problems loved everyone never bit she loved to fetch loved to ride loved cats loved other dogs loved to play with her toys would give a million if i had it for another we had her cremated put in a urn our family will never be the same because of her loss
Posted: 8/5/2010 7:11:41 AM by Anonymous

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Roxy Girl

We had a purebred lab and went to the store to get dog food, and of course it was adoption day! My husband immediately fell in love with the size of her PAWS (their HUGE). We walked out of the store with a lot more than dog food that day. Roxy is a wonderful dog, it is very sad to think that she was about to be euthanized :o( Kolt (our lab) immediately took to her, she is so loving and playful. I honestly don't think she has a mean bone in that body of hers. She took very well to training. Her only problem is that even with a 2 acre yard and Invisible Fence, she still tends to wander!!! The jolt from the fence does not faze her one bit!! The ONLY time I have ever heard her bark is if her and Kolt are playing around, or when the coyotes howl at night. We love her to death and are so glad she is a part of our family!
Posted: 7/21/2010 10:45:58 AM by Anonymous

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I adopted Betty from a Sheter in Edinburg in February for my daughter.She seemed so lonely and shy not to mention extremley scared. She would curl at the end of the cage and when I walked away she would look for me.She had some skin conditions that were healing and she looked ugly yet there was something about her.I brought her home and my husband could not believe how ugly she was. After a while she fattened up and her skin and coat were back to normal. I had no problems house trainig. She was still very quiet. I took her to the vet and found out she had respitory problems. After treatments she got well. I then got her fixed and by this time she had won my husband over, she became ill with lots of fever.She would sleep with my husband and I so we could watch over her. Now she is the best dog in the world.She is smart, playful, and loving. She lets me burp her and I treat her like a real baby and she loves it. She is very loyal to her owner my daughter follows her everywhere especially at bed time .She sleeps in bed with my dauhter, covers herself with a blanket and uses a pillow like a human. She is amazing and she is the love of our life. I love her like my own child. I thank God for her.She is the best, even my husband is crazy about her.
Posted: 7/21/2010 10:44:55 AM by Anonymous

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My Spanierd

I have a 9 month old male spanierd and everything on your page is true. He has a fantastic nature and boundless energy. I have 4 other dogs and he wants to be "best buddies" with all of them!! Black and tan in colour he indeed has the coat of a long haired German Shepherd and the eyes and ears of his mother my black and white spinger. HIs tail is like a slinky and (maybe I bias) bur I honestly think he is THE most handsome dog. A beautiful dog in every way and well worthy of being a breed in its own.
Posted: 7/15/2010 8:24:38 AM by Anonymous

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Thoughts on a Labrachow

I am the lucky owner of a first generation Labrachow named Kylie. I would not recommend this breed for a person who has a hard time following through with commands, as she is a bit of a "knot-head".

I got her from a room mate who had gotten her from a room mate who had moved out. Kylie was severely neglected by the first owner, and her emotional state when I got her can only be described as deserted, and unhappy. I was a previous dog-owner, and take a firm, but gentle hand when it comes to training, with a swat or two reserved only for serious rule infractions.

I had no intention at all, whatsoever of adopting a dog at the time, and just started training her so I could set a dinner plate on the coffee table without it disappearing. As time went on, Kylie started bonding to me, and I to her. About two weeks in to it, my room mate asked me if I wanted to adopt her from him. It was a no-brainer.

She is two years old now. The only signs of aggression that I see in her are a bit of cat-chasing, which I discourage under all circumstances, as I am a cat person. The other circumstance is in defense of me or the home or the yard. I do have to supervise her at all times, as I live in town, and she is territorial.

She does have the potential to be viscous, like any other dog, and a chow breed is more independent and headstrong (read "I don't give a damn what you say, biped, I am all that is dog!!") than most. Not a breed for he faint of heart, or the lazy, as you HAVE to correct their behavior, no matter what, or they will pust the limits.

Because of those points, only get one if you are capable of dedication hours a day to them. Your new pet will pay the price if you fail. Euthanasia for following their instincts is not good, but they will be killed if you fail to train them.

All of that said, I would not trade her for the world, she obeys me, is protective of me and friends/family/house/yard, she is a conservative eater, and is not a pester-bug, like many other dogs, either. Remember, a Chow Chow is independent, not needing a lot of affection, as dogs go. She is like having a loving, affectionate guardcat.
Posted: 7/15/2010 8:23:33 AM by Anonymous

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My Pekehund

My red pekehund has a long, straight, whip tail like his dachsund sire. He is very aggressive to other dogs, even though he's been raised with my male Gollie and female rat terrier, but I'm hoping getting him neutered will fix that. Two alpha male dogs of any breed under one roof can be chaotic!
Posted: 7/2/2010 11:19:27 AM by Anonymous

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