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Dogs Home > Designer Dog Bios > Millie the Chipoo

Millie's Bio

joined 3/26/2010

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Millie the White Female Chipoo / Stands 7 inches tall / Weighs 4 lbs / Born 12/16/2010 in Denver / Lives with caliles08 in Littleton, CO (United States)


No (Spay & Neuter Information)
Yes (Microchipping Information)
Came From
Loving, Hyper And Very Over Protective!!
Favorite Toy
Favorite Hobby
Play With Our Other Dog.
Favorite Food
Pig Ears
Favorite Treat
Anything Meaty!!
Favorite Trick
Favorite Place To Sleep
Moms' Lap!
Favorite Place To Play
The Living Room!
Favorite Place To Walk
Around The Block
Loves Mom!
Anyone that she does not know.
Millie's Story & Details
I L.O.V.E Chipoos!!! Millie is my second Chipoo. My first one was named Paris and she was my first dog ever! I loved her and she was a gift from my then boyfriend who is now my husban. Oh the times we spent together, she was the best and will never be replaced!!! I fell in love with the breed and I dicided to get another dog (after the grif of mamas, Paris' nickname). When I found Millie on C.L I just had to have her! I have had her since Dec. and WOW! Chipoos are the best very overprotecting I must say but they make the best pets and they are so loyal to their owner!

Millie's Puppy Pad

I love Chi's! What a gorgeous girl you have there!
by SierraBlog on 5/5/2010 at 10:35 PM

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