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 Location:boca raton , FL (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:plutoView My Bio
Breed:PapastzuView My Gallery
Age:20 years 2 months 4 days

Purebred Dogs (Compliments of

Name:LouieView My Bio
Breed:Shih TzuView My Gallery
Age:19 years 6 months 24 days

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how i came across pluto !!!

i had always wanted a dog never was allowed to have one so when the time came for it i was dead set on owning a pure bred cocker spanial so i made a call to a local pet shop in my old home town and they told me they had lots of cocker spanial on sale so i said i wanted a girl so i went there with my heart happy that i was going home with a buff and white little female they had there when i got there she had been sold all they had left were boys but i did like one that was buff and white but my sister insisted that we ge a smaller breed dog so we looked around we saw shih tzus , snauzers , and even a rat terrier but i did not feel a connection to any dog probably because none were active they just wanted to be left alone finally the sales girl god bless mindy lol she says to me i have a dog that meets most what your looking for but he's mixed i was like great a mut and he's shih tzu and papillon he's gonna have crooked teeth and worst he was my least favorate color blk and wht so she brings him to me and my sister he was so tiny he was 3 pounds and was about to be 3 months old i was not impressed but i was wrong the minute i held him he licked my face like there was no tomorrow and my face would be the last he ever saw i thought that was cute he also did the same to my sister so i put him back where mindy got him from i said to my sister i'm getting the cocker spanial but everytime we walked by pluto in his pen he would jump up and cry at us so a lady and her grand daughter saw that and went to calm him down and look at him well when they picked him up he kept quiet and ignored them so they put him back i went up to him in his pen he kept whining at me so i picked him up he licked me on the nose so i said i think we should bring you home at that moment i felt the connection i was so looking for in a dog i had found my first dog and i don't look back at the cocker spanial i never got me and pluto have been joined to the hip since then and always will be ..

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Posted: 3/4/2008 6:11:20 AM

Owner Testimonials


i have a papastzu and his name is pluto he is 3 yrs old and incredibly intelligent he has a lot of the pap feautures he is very vocal he is black and white good teeth no tartar my pure breed 2yr old shih tzu has bad teeth the papastzu has straight nice teeth and he is very curious and quick to learn the only problem he has is he forms alot of crystals in his urine so he has to eat prescription food other then that he is very healthy

Posted: 3/3/2008 8:01:18 PM by lav1031
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