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 Location:Grand Forks, ND (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:BaxterView My Bio
Breed:LabrashepherdView My Gallery
Age:16 years 1 month 1 day
Name:BellaView My Bio
Breed:Saint BerxerView My Gallery
Age:15 years 8 months 9 days

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Seperation Anxieties.

Have you tried getting her a friend? [:D] I were having problems with my Lab/GSD mix probably because I have spoiled him to much! He would whine for hours after I left for work and when I would get home he was anxious, jumping, barking crying, all of it! I was pretty worried about him so we discusses getting another dog and it is working great! He is very attentive and keeps his eye on her. I think it works best when the new one is a puppy of the same breed or size and definatly of the opposite sex.[;)] She follows him around and keeps him busy and now when I come home he runs up sits, gets a pet and is off again. We have only had her a few short days!! Seperation anxiety can take weeks or months to cure and really it's caused by dogs having a need to be part of a pack. Getting a new addition may also help warm her up to your husband because when he is with the new puppy your dog will want to same attention![:0] They will be best of friends in a few weeks and it will take a lot of pressure of you. I hope it will work for you as it did for us if you consider and are able to get a second dog. [:)][:D]

Seperation Anxieties. | Q & A

Posted: 8/27/2009 1:57:15 PM

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