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 Location:Nottingham, MD (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:SmokeView My Bio
Breed:GoldendoodleView My Gallery
Age:16 years 7 months 15 days

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Posted: 1/4/2010 1:02:31 PM

Owner Testimonials

Smokey the Bear

Our family has a Mini Goldendoodle. He is not yet a foot tall and he weighs 12 pounds. His coat is mostly black on top with gray and wheat underneath. His name is Smoke and that is because of his different color hair.

Smoke is the most wonderful, loyal, friendly, playful, happy little guy I have ever come across. People that do not even care for dogs come to our home and want to take him home with them. Smoke is 17 months old and we are considering getting another mini for him to play with.

Goldendoodles are wonderful with people of any ages I recommend them for families with children. Smoke is the most wonderful pet we have ever had!!!

Posted: 1/5/2010 8:12:25 AM by ronishia11368
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