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 Location:hinchinbrooke, QC (Canada)

Designer Dogs

Name:BoView My Bio
Breed:DaniffView My Gallery
Age:14 years 11 months 30 days

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Hello from Quebec, Daniff ?

Congrats! Not sure but I can say reassurance is what this dog needs. Mine does hate when i am not around or if he can't be right beside me and he'll try desperately to surpass any obstacle that separates us haha. Bo has mellowed a tad since i first got him so I am sure in time Sadie will too. Can't wait to see pictures! Good luck with her.

Hello from Quebec, Daniff ? | New Members

Posted: 3/22/2011 6:47:03 PM

Nuttering a male puppy

I just want to clarify, I am aware that most vets agree with the current age standard for neutering I was simply pointing out that there are a few who disagree and they do have their reasons. Vets are just like doctors and they follow the norms until new evidences change the norms.

Nuttering a male puppy | Q & A

Posted: 9/19/2010 12:17:05 PM

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