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 Location:Nanuet, NY (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:Prince BaragonView My Bio
Breed:LhasapooView My Gallery
Age:18 years 5 months 22 days
Name:Chelsea DonakaView My Bio
Breed:MaltipooView My Gallery
Age:16 years 10 months 7 days

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Funny thing

My dogs just ran into the screen door lol.:P

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Posted: 12/9/2010 6:57:31 PM


Hey i'm new might aswell say hi. So anyways my names Mike and i'm 13 so i just made the mark i have 2 dogs a Lhasapoo named Prince and a Maltipoo named Chelese. Prince is more my dog though while Chelese is more my sisters but i love them both. I'm thinking of convincing my parents to get a third dog but you know parents.:P Anyways i'm taking Prince to the groomers tommorow. I think Prince is certainley excited about the car ride to Petco for the grooming. BTW i also own 2 leopard geckos aswell. So yeah i'll be posting alot so see you guys.;)

Read more blogs by Mike55 | Read more blogs in What's new?

Posted: 12/9/2010 6:37:00 PM

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