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 Location:Hastings, FL (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:HarlieView My Bio
Breed:Labrador Retriever MixView My Gallery
Age:13 years 11 months 4 days

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is Harlie a labrasenjie?

is Harlie a labrasenjie? | Q & A

Posted: 10/3/2011 2:21:16 AM


if your Harley is anything like our Harlie, you may have to wait for him to get a little older for his breeds to start showing.

harley | Q & A

Posted: 5/21/2011 10:43:22 AM

Cat and new dog

we got a puppy back in December 2010. she's about 9 months old now. we also have a cat that's almost 13 that we've had since kittenhood. At first, after Harlie (the puppy) came home, Dribbles (the cat) was not at all amused. Harlie's nose was popped more than once. We would give Dribbles treats while Harlie was in the room, tell Harlie "no" when she tried to jump up to get close to Dribbles and just gave Dribbles plenty of attention.
Now, since your cat doesn't even want to come out, you may have to search out the cat and hold him, talk to him and make sure he knows he's still got your love and attention even with the "interloper" in the house.

Cat and new dog | Q & A

Posted: 4/25/2011 8:11:18 AM

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