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 Location:New York, NY (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:AbbyView My Bio
Breed:Dox-BullView My Gallery
Age:13 years 7 months 26 days

Recent Discussion Posts

Breed guess on my puppy

Breed guess on my puppy | General Discussions

Posted: 5/2/2011 11:16:31 PM

ChiPin house training?

I would go back to basic house training.  Most dogs have one or two regular BMs a day, usualy 15 - 30 mins after eating.  After every meal, take him outside to his spot for a few minutes only.  If he goes, lots of praise and a short (or long!) walk or play time immediately.  If he doesn't, take him inside and put him in his crate (with a toy) for 15 mintues  - then take him out again for another chance.  No potty, back in crate.   Keep this up till he goes, then praise and reward - food, play or walk.  This may take a looong time te first few times.  Eventually he will learn that the faster he goes, the faster he gets freedom and gets to play.

ChiPin house training? | Q & A

Posted: 4/29/2011 5:20:19 PM

Is Abby a Dox-Bull???

Is Abby a Dox-Bull??? | Q & A

Posted: 4/29/2011 5:10:47 PM

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