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 Location:Hartsville, PA (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:MaggieView My Bio
Breed:BeabullView My Gallery
Age:16 years 8 months 16 days

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Beabull Owner

Beabull Owner | New Members

Posted: 10/22/2008 5:42:32 PM

Owner Testimonials

Maggie the Beabull

Our beautifull beabull, Maggie, is 4 months old now and she's been a wonderful addition to our family. She gets along very well with our other small dogs, both female, a one-year-old French Bulldog and an 8-year-old Toy Fox Terrier, and with our three teenage daughters who just love her to pieces. We had no idea what to expect when we took Maggie as a "rehome" from a woman with a toddler son who realized having a puppy was just too much to handle. What a lucky day for us!

Maggie is very happy to share the attention with our Frenchie, Mia, who is still a puppy herself and used to being the "baby" of the family. There's been little or no jealousy issues. Maggie can be food possesive, thinking every treat is for her, but she's learning to take turns. She's quite intelligent and understands "sit" and "down" so far. We plan to take her to obedience class once she is 5 months old.

Her markings make her truly unique. She has black "Cleopatra eyeliner" around both eyes, is mostly white with red patches and freckles, especially on her belly, which is really round and she loves to have rubbed! She's super affectionate and we let her behave like a lap dog, even though it looks like she will outgrow being the right size for it.

She's full of puppy energy, loves to run around the yard, play fetch, and chew, chew, chew! She does bark when she wants attention, which we are working on.

We have no idea how big she'll get. Right now she's 15 pounds and 10 inches tall. She's got short legs and a long body, floppy ears and an itty bitty bulldog tail. I've seen pictures of other beabulls with beagle tails, so I guess this is random genetics.

We highly recommend the beabull as a great family pet. They are very loving and friendly, have enough energy to keep up with kids and have enough bulldog in them to relax and be mellow. A wonderful combination!

Posted: 10/22/2008 5:57:47 PM by bernobern
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