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 Location:Durham (United Kingdom)

Designer Dogs

Name:GypsyView My Bio
Breed:Jack ChiView My Gallery
Age:12 years 4 months 18 days

Recent Discussion Posts

I am having the hardest time...

Hi my jack chi is 7 month old and im finding it so hard to train her. She will do her business anywhere exept outside. When she does do it outside i always praise her and show her attention but she still prefers to do it in the house where i will ignore her. I dont want this to keep going on as i do have two small kids. HELP PLEASE

I am having the hardest time... | Pottytraining/Housetraining

Posted: 10/4/2012 8:30:11 PM


hi | New Members

Posted: 10/4/2012 8:24:26 PM

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