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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Entries: 797 - 798 of 817

Raising Chipoos Since 2004

by tess90us on 5/10/2008 at 10:38 AM in Designer Dogs

I love raising this Designer Breed. They are so smart & I am working very hard to set a standard for them. I was hoping to look for other breeders with the same interest that would want to help start a Chipoo Breeders Club & Registry as they have for the cockapoos. If you are one of these people please contact me.
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Lacey's Tooth

by sands904 on 4/28/2008 at 7:54 PM in Lacey

Yesterday we took Lacey and Logan for a walk. My husband was wearing his big steel toe work boots (not sure why :). While Lacey was walking she walked a little too close and he bumped her in the mouth with his foot. It didn't seem that hard at the time. She didn't make any noise or act like she was in pain. Later that night I heard her chewing on something and went to see what it was. It appeared to be one of her teeth. I took it from her and looked around in her mouth. Yep, she was missing one of her middle teeth on the left side of her mouth, the opposite side she would have been bumped on during the walk. We had also given her a new kind of dental treat earlier in the day. I don't know if either one of these is the reason her tooth fell out or if they are completely unrelated. I have never experienced anything like this. I don't know if we should take her into the vet to haver her teeth examined. There isn't really anything they can do about the tooth she already lost, but I am worried. Her teeth just shouldn't be falling out like that...
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